Nowa Online World Official Publisher Resources (Logo - About Panel, etc.)


Staff member
8 October 2024

Hello, valued Nowa Online World streamers!

Today, I will present the Nowa Online World streaming assets that you should use in your broadcasts and channels.

What are Streaming Assets?

Streaming assets are graphical visuals and animations that indicate you are an Official Content Creator during live streams. These visuals are added to the top right or bottom right corner (whichever area is empty) of your stream. This way, you can show that you are an official streamer in your broadcasts.

The Official Streamer Animation looks like this:

Logo Animasyon Nowa Online World.gif

The About Panels are images you will add to the "About" section of your channel.

The About panels are specially prepared for each class. You can use the image corresponding to the class you're playing. It's completely up to you.

Hakkında Paneli Warrior.png
Hakkında Paneli Priest.png
Hakkında Paneli Mage.png

Hakkında Paneli Asas.png
Hakkında Paneli Okçu.png

Click here to download the Official Streamer Kit.

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